Little Edstone in harmony with nature


Renewable Energy at Little Edstone Organic Farm and Holiday Cottages
Renewable Energy

The development of renewable energy has become something of a passion at Little Edstone. We hope visitors will be interested in taking a holiday in a place where the environment, general conservation and wildlife preservation are a priority.

We strongly believe in our individual responsibility to protect the environment. To this end we already have a variety of renewable energy systems in place


The whole site is heated by a biomass boiler using woodchip sourced locally from waste wood or wood pellets from sustainable forests.  We also grow willow for coppicing and chipping and logs are cut on site from waste wood and from coppicing in the woodland.


Solar Panel at Little Edstone


chicken and egg  


Our small woodland is a wildlife haven; home to many. We have beetle banks bordering our fields and dense hedging. We believe in 'stewarding' our land and protecting everthing living here. No chemicals, no hunting.


We collect and cleanse grey water, together with harvested rainwater for use in irrigation for the vegetable and fruit gardens. 

In future rainwater will also be used for topping up the swimming pool – ideal as all incoming water is pumped though the existing filtration and disinfection system.


There is a large bank of solar panels on the barn that produce electricity for the cottages with the surplus feeding into the national grid.

See also:

About Little Edstone - About the Organic Farm

Little Edstone Cottages - about the cottages and how to book

The Area - places to visit and things to do during your stay.